Ren's Ramblings & Writings

Contemplations on things tangible and intangible

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

 My thoughts about: A Case for Trigger Warnings

trigger warnings are always about something violent or graphic or "adult content"...  when I lost my shit, dropped my basket, which was a slow process over several years but then that final eruption put me over the top and I couldn't even watch "Bad Moms" when it came out that year.  My kids loved it, but for me it represented the fuck-up that I felt I was, and had no desire to have my failures thrown up in my face... now, years later, I'm able to watch it and  appreciate how that story portrays the fact that as moms, we  fight and stress and try to plan ahead and many times it still feels like the world is working against us- or at least our immediate corner of the planet... for some folks, "when it rains it pours," but for me, it feels like a constant storm that never ends... ever watch the "Shameless" series? That's my life, minus the drugs and over waste of  the parents...  I watched thru several seasons over the last few years, and, cannot watch any more... no matter what's happening to you and around you, the world keeps on moving.   What ever the reason for these triggers over what others perceive as "calm" or Rated PG programs, as I come to terms with CPTSD and ongoing shit, actual death by any manner bothers me less than the longterm, chronic crap we see portrayed, much of which portrays real life...  while I by no means am interested in taking life, I actually feel understanding for Joaquin Phoenix's portrayal of Joker in the recent movie; the portrayal of how he already struggles, suffers trauma and some other mental health issues, and life comes barreling in to destroy what little bit of sanity he has left.  Ever watch "August Osage County" or "Divine Secrets of the YaYa Sisterhood?" Both of those portray disfunctional families that the present day adult children are trying to process and recover from; I am both the childhood survivor and the perpetrator of trauma on my own family... who'd u'thunk it?  What's worse, our system pretends to treat alcoholics with alcohol-only focused programs but alcoholism is a SYMPTOM OF SOMETHING GREATER, larger than ourselves... it is a SIGN that the brain is in a constant state of dysregulation, with the Lizard brain often overpowering our Wizard brain- we stay in a constant state of Fight/Flight/Fawn... alcohol-only focus doesn't fix what is happenig in our brains after trauma...  often times, talk-therapy fails as well. 

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